Issues Facing Our Community
As our communities continue to deal with the devastating impact Covid-19 has had on our students and families, my education background is more important than ever. I believe that our students learn best in a classroom, that is why early in the pandemic I championed Michigan’s “Return to Learn” policy. The policy made local school districts accountable to parents and families by making districts re-confirm their learning plan each month. “Return to Learn” gave local districts the resources they needed to allow students and teachers to return to school safely.
My experience as a public-school educator and a public-school board member led me to run for state representative. I realized early on there is a lot of money moving through our education system and that no one was advocating for that money to be spent where it has the most impact, directly on our students and families. Since first taking office I have been their tireless advocate in the legislature. All of Michigan's students deserve a quality education regardless of which school, they and their family decide is best for them. As our next state senator, I will continue to be the loudest voice in the room fighting for our students and families every day!
Jobs and Our Economy
Small businesses provide over 75% of jobs in Michigan and here in Macomb County.
Growing up in a family business I know the impact government mandates, overreach and burdensome taxes can have on a small business. I remember vividly the impact recessions, created by poor government decisions, had on our family business. I remember the many months my parents would go without paychecks so that they could continue to pay their employees and provide them and their families with health insurance. I remember eating a lot of macaroni and cheese. While my parent’s business is unique, their experience as small business owners is shared by thousands of other small business owners throughout Macomb County, people who take pride in providing quality services and jobs to our community.
This past year COVID-19 has decimated our economy worse than any past recession. Forced government closures have left thousands of Michiganders unable to work and provide for their families. Right now, Macomb needs an ally in the senate that will fight against overreaching government policies so that Michigan can return to work safely. I am that ally! I will continue to fight for policies that help our economy to recover and help families to feel secure and stable. I have never shied away from working on tough issues. I will not stop fighting for the people of Macomb to be able to return to work safely.
Taxes, Spending & Ethics
You deserve to keep more of your hard-earned dollars! My voting record proves that I am opposed to wasteful spending. I have voted consistently to eliminate ineffective entitlements, cut current, and oppose new taxes.
Recently I had the honor of being the lead sponsor on ethics reform. Enrolling HB 4001 which will make it illegal for a legislator to vote on issues from which they or a family member will profit. This bill is part of a broader reform package which include our legislature and Governor being subject to FOIA laws, and legislators not being able to work as lobbyists outside of Michigan while currently serving as an elected official in Michigan. For most this sounds logical, unfortunately we need laws to actually enforce this.
As our next state senator, I will continue to create a lean and transparent government that is accountable to you, the taxpayers.
Freedom and Values
As your State Senator, I will continue to defend our Constitution and shared values.
I am humbled to have been the lead sponsor on several Right to Life bills, including HB 4320 which would make dismemberment abortion illegal in Michigan, and HB 4085 which would allow Judges in Michigan to include an embryo or fetus as a victim of a crime, if they were killed in the commission of a crime. I will continue to work with Right to Life and champion life issues in the Senate.
I am an unapologetic defender of our Second Amendment. My right to carry is the great equalizer which allows me the ability to protect myself and my family. We should all cherish that right whether we choose to exercise it or not. Every term serving in the House I have been a lead sponsor on the bill package that will make Michigan a “Constitutional Carry” state. I am proud to be one of the few legislators in Michigan, and the only candidate in the Senate race, to consistently receive an A+ rating from the National Rifle Association. An A+ is the highest ranking a legislator can receive from the NRA. I am grateful Macomb is an expedient “shall issue” county. As Macomb’s next senator I will continue to work to ensure our right to bear arms is never infringed.